Dr. Mary’s Monkey

Official Story:

Official Story of Dr. Mary’s Monkey:

“Dr. Mary’s Monkey” refers to a controversial book written by Edward T. Haslam, published in 2007. The book explores various conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the development of cancer-causing viruses.

The central premise of the book revolves around Dr. Mary Sherman, a New Orleans physician and researcher who allegedly conducted secret experiments involving cancer-causing viruses and radiation. Haslam suggests that these experiments were part of a covert government project to develop a biological weapon using cancer as a weapon of assassination. The book also links these activities to Lee Harvey Oswald and his connections to New Orleans, proposing a broader conspiracy involving government agencies and powerful individuals.

The Official Story regarding “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” views the book as a speculative work of conspiracy theory literature. It acknowledges that Dr. Mary Sherman was a real person and a respected scientist, but dismisses the claims made in the book as lacking credible evidence and factual basis. The mainstream view is that the book presents a highly controversial and speculative narrative that is not supported by historical documentation or verifiable sources.

Conspiracy Theory:

Conspiracy Theories about Dr. Mary’s Monkey:

  1. Government Cover-Up and Bioweapon Development: One prominent theory derived from “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” suggests that the U.S. government was involved in covert biological warfare research during the Cold War era. Proponents argue that experiments conducted by Dr. Mary Sherman and others were part of a broader initiative to develop biological weapons capable of causing targeted illnesses, including cancer.
  2. Link to JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theorists often tie “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” to broader conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. They allege that Dr. Mary Sherman’s research and her connections to individuals like Lee Harvey Oswald were part of a larger plot to eliminate political adversaries or cover up clandestine operations.
  3. Suppression of Cancer Cure: Some theories derived from the book suggest that Dr. Mary Sherman’s research may have uncovered a potential cure for cancer or alternative medical treatments that were suppressed by pharmaceutical companies or government agencies. This theory posits that powerful interests conspired to prevent the dissemination of alternative medical therapies to protect profits and control over healthcare.
  4. Scientific Ethical Violations: Critics of “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” argue that the book promotes unfounded allegations of unethical scientific conduct and experimentation. They point out that the book lacks credible evidence and relies on conjecture and speculation to weave together a narrative of government secrecy and malfeasance.
  5. Psychological Operations and Disinformation: Skeptics of conspiracy theories related to “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” argue that the book may be a form of psychological operations or disinformation intended to sow distrust in government institutions and scientific research. They suggest that conspiracy theories often thrive on sensationalism and exploit gaps in historical knowledge to create compelling but unsubstantiated narratives.

In conclusion, while “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” presents a provocative and controversial perspective on historical events and scientific research, the Official Story and mainstream view regard it as a work of speculative fiction rather than a credible account supported by verifiable evidence. Conspiracy theories surrounding the book continue to attract attention and debate among enthusiasts of alternative history and government secrecy narratives.

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